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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sony Ericsson T303 : Phone review

Phone Review

The Sony Ericsson T303 is a compact phone that's easy to use. With a subtle daisy engraved design on the back this sliderphone will appeal mainly to ladies. A plain silver cover is also included in the box for those who prefer something less floral. If you like your mobile to be functional and sexy, without being too complicated and techy then this is for you. It has a classy mirrored finish and compact sliding design. Features include a decent camera, built-in MP3 player, Sony's TrackID music recognition, a built-in FM radio and Bluetooth. The Sony Ericsson T303 is a move away from Sony Ericssons recent releases but is sure to be a hit with those people who are after a distinctive handset with great aesthetics that won’t cost the earth.

Phone Review

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